<Gooseberries>, by Anton Chekhov

Rating: 9/10

    What is happiness, and how do we achieve it? It seems these two questions are what Chekhov wanted us to think about deeply.  I believe that there is no definition of happiness, but wrong perspectives on happiness do exist.  However, the "hammer quote" really hit me, and it must be written for a meaningful purpose. I believe Nikolay was caught up in this thought that he must always move towards bigger success and material wealth. If you must compare your position in the society to others in order to feel secure and happy, that happiness will not be worth it in a long term. It's very impressive how this story reflects today's society although it has been written more than 100 years ago. It's truly sad to see so many people feel insecure and dreary if it's not for "someone standing with a little hammer." Even the ending where Alyohin and Burkin is unsatisfied, unmoved, and not interested in Ivan's sincere sermon perfectly completes the story showing how people are negligent on wisdom and foolish beings we are. This story struck me with a deep theme we must ponder about away from our hectic lives once in a while.


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